
Thomas Gerton '23, 生物技术 major, works in the lab at 中曼彻斯特

生物技术 student Thomas Gerton '23 has always had an innate curiosity—和 through the application of science, he's found the answer to many questions he's had about the universe 和 our mark on it.

我回答了每一个问题, 取而代之的是另外两个问题, 它满足了我对知识永无止境的追求,格顿说. “通过生物技术, I'm fascinated by how robots will potentially be able to 3D print complex human organs within my lifetime. 我知道我想参与其中."

格顿是曼彻斯特大学的一部分 工场永利app新版本官网地址计划, which provides scholarships 和 research opportunities to exceptional incoming freshmen in the college's 生物技术 和 工程技术 项目. From unique lab experiences to a tour of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, which is creating an industry to regenerate human tissue 和 organs right down the street from 中曼彻斯特, 他说他作为一名工场永利app新版本官网地址获得了无与伦比的机会.

"Getting to experience how these cutting-edge technologies are being developed in our backyard has further cemented the fact that I wish to play a role in these advancements that would benefit humankind,格顿说.

In addition to gaining research 和 collaboration skills in 中曼彻斯特 on-campus labs, Gerton has put his learning into action as an intern at Advanced Solutions, which designs 和 manufactures robotic 和 vascular platforms for building human tissues. 

“对我来说,正常的一天就是花很多时间在实验室里. 目前, 我正在设计一个老鼠组织的DNA提取方案, 我可以确认到目前为止是有效的,格顿说. 作为一名实习生, I also do the traditional maintenance to keep the lab up 和 running properly—a fair  trade-off for getting to do some serious science."

格顿希望成为一名医生, although he's considering new career paths with the experiences he's had at 中曼彻斯特.

"When I initially came to college, I thought I wanted to get a medical license. 然而, being a Millyard Scholar has opened my eyes to what research is truly like in a professional setting, 这可能是我未来想要追求的职业,格顿说.

曼彻斯特是新罕布什尔州新兴的生物技术中心, 制药和医疗技术领域, Gerton encourages students with an interest in science to consider becoming a Millyard Scholar.

"The 工场永利app新版本官网地址计划 has provided many amazing opportunities that I don't htink I would have had if I followed a more traditional college path,格顿说. "Through my research experiences, I've learned valuable skills for working in a professional lab."

中曼彻斯特 工场永利app新版本官网地址计划 接受2021年秋季课程的申请是否符合 生物技术, 电气工程技术机械工程技术 项目.